Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days

Everyone can remember movies in which they show that a woman begins to feel nausea and dizziness immediately after a night of love, as a result of which she realizes that she is pregnant. But we are forced to dispel the illusions of those who still live by them. In real life, at such an early date, only intuition can be the only beacon. Often a woman has an inner feeling that she is pregnant, almost on the second day after fertilization, long before the appearance of the first true signs.

Truly tangible symptoms appear no earlier than the second week from the moment when there was a romantic meeting of the egg and sperm in the fallopian tube. After that, the fertilized egg (zygote) is moved to the uterus for further growth and development. During the advance into the uterine cavity, the zygote actively divides every twelve hours and gradually turns into a morula. In turn, a blastocyst is formed from the morula and now it already produces the HCG hormone, which supports the yellow body. And it, in turn, produces the most important hormone for successful gestation – progesterone. Thanks to him, the fallopian tubes relax, and the egg can safely penetrate into the uterus. As a result, the embryo is implanted or implanted into the uterine mucosa. From now on, we can say that the pregnancy has begun.

Signs of pregnancy – we determine independently

In many ways, the signs of pregnancy are subjective and depend on the degree of health, lifestyle, and psycho-emotional state of a woman. In addition to subjective or presumptive signs, probable and reliable ones are distinguished.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy in the first days a woman can easily identify herself:

Already after a week after conception, she can briefly or once observe discharge with an admixture of blood. During pregnancy, this means that the embryo has attached itself to the uterine mucosa.
If the expectant mother keeps a basal temperature chart, then she may notice a sharp drop in temperature that occurs the next day after conception. This is an implantation trap. The production of progesterone, which maintains a constant temperature level, weakens in the second phase, and as soon as conception has taken place, it begins to increase again. A decrease in temperature also occurs against the background of the release of estrogens. As soon as the unborn child is strengthened in the womb, the basal temperature is kept at 37 degrees or a little higher. In this regard, a woman may have feelings like a cold. Best casno bonuses here best first deposit bonus australia view here